18 Feb, 2020

Alum Jane McGonigal’s SuperBetter Featured on BuiltIn

BCNM alum Jane McGonigal’s smartphone app SuperBetter was featured and praised in a recent BuiltIn article. Titled "How to Gamify Wellness Without Missing the Point," the article discussed SuperBetter and how the app supports better habits and mental health while using video game design and UX.

From the article:

“It’s a combination of the hero narrative and familiar game mechanics that can be used to empower us to be our better selves,” said Yuanbo Liu, SuperBetter’s head of product. “We play into that hero’s journey.”

While most games strive to capture user attention at all costs, SuperBetter doesn’t want its users constantly opening its app. Their goal is to support healthier habits in the real world, rather than to serve as an escape from it.

Read more about SuperBetter and the rest of the article here.