04 Jan, 2020

cNet names danah boyd One of 30 Personalities Who Defined the 2010s

BCNM alum danah boyd was named one of cNet's 30 Personalities Who Defined the 2010s! This list of larger-than-life innovators and influencers include such luminaries as Jeff Bezos and Elon Musk.

From the description:

She may not be a household name, but danah boyd (who prefers to spell her name with lowercase) has become a leading thinker and researcher on the effects of technology on society and our children. In her 2014 book It's Complicated, she argued that social media provides an important space for youth to express themselves and to engage with each other and with society.

She's also a principal researcher for Microsoft and has broadened her research to focus on the relationship between social inequality and technology through her research institute Data and Society. In awarding her its 2019 Pioneer award, the Electronic Frontier Foundation called boyd a "trailblazing technology scholar."

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