02 Dec, 2019

Alum Jane McGonigal's SuperBetter Featured on Vox

In a Vox Article titled "These apps make a game out of relieving anxiety. They may be onto something," BCNM alum Jane McGonigal was featured for her app SuperBetter, a game aimed at helping people relieve their anxiety.

From the article:

Playing SuperBetter certainly feels like eating candy. A 2016 systematic review of previous studies noted that “SuperBetter allows ‘snacktivity,’ frequent, brief activities that can be done a few minutes at a time, every day or more often (therefore like “snacking” behavior).” It added that the app has been validated in randomized controlled trials: “Participants who were asked to play SuperBetter for 10 minutes daily over 30 days experienced significantly greater reductions in depressive symptoms and anxiety compared to a waitlist control group.”

Read more about her app and the rest of the article here.