13 Sep, 2019

Ken Goldberg: Recycling with Robots

Ken Goldberg's AUTOLab is doing amazing work using robotics to help the environment!

Students Aditya Ganapathi, Matthew Trepte, Arsh Zahed, Jackson Chui, Jenny Song and Harry Zhang worked with artist and robotics professor Ken Goldberg to experiment innovative ways of using robotics for recycling!

According to the team's report, "America alone generates approximately 260 million tons of garbage every day and only a fraction of it gets properly recycled." The AUTOLab project team is interested in how robotics can solve the current recycling crisis.

Goldberg and the AI4ALL students explored how computer visualization software and robotics can "recognize, grasp, and sort items such as bottles and cans for recycling."

Read more about the experiments in their final report, Recycling with Robots.