
Stefanos Geroulanos HTNM Video Now Online

07 Jun, 2019

Stefanos Geroulanos HTNM Video Now Online

We're pleased to share the video for Stefanos Geroulanos' fantastic History and Theory of New Media Lecture, which took place April 3rd, 2019! More information below!

The Human Computer in the Stone Age: Technology, Prehistory, and the Redefinition of the Human after World War II

After World War II, new concepts and metaphors of technology helped transform the understanding of human history all the way back to the australopithecines. Using concepts from cybernetics and information theory as much as from ethnology and osteology, scientists and philosophers reorganized the fossil record using a truly global array of fossils, and in the process fundamentally re-conceptualized deep time, nature, and the assemblage that is humanity itself. This paper examines three ways in which technological prehistory, that most distant, speculative, and often just weird field, came to reorganize the ways European and American thinkers and a lay public thought about themselves, their origins, and their future.

Stefanos Geroulanos is Professor of History at New York University. He is the author of Transparency in Postwar France (2017), co-author of The Human Body in the Age of Catastrophe: Brittleness, Integration, Science, and the Great War (2018), and co-editor of The Scaffolding of Sovereignty (2017). He is also a Co-Executive Editor of the Journal of the History of Ideas.