
Bo Ruberg on First Person Scholar Podcast

07 May, 2019

Bo Ruberg on First Person Scholar Podcast

Bo Ruberg is a featured guest on the latest podcast by First Person Scholar, a podcast dedicated to advocating for a new dynamic, one which demonstrates relevancy through timely, rigorous, and accessible criticism. This episode was a featured special edition of the First Person podcast. This episode introduced the topic of queer games and queer making special issues.

Below is an excerpt from the podcast:

"So, this idea that this is an exciting time to be in game studies, especially doing queer work or as a queer person, I totally agree. One of the ways, I think, that we can resist that really normative teleological narrative of progress is it’s not just like it’s gotten better, it’s like we have fought tooth and nail to make it better. So, I feel like my own experience over the last six years or so during this, since we started QGCon, is just like clawing at academia and being like, “We are gonna build a community, we are gonna fight for spaces of legitimacy.”

To listen to the podcast's Episode: Queer Games Studies Special Issue, visit the site here or listen to the podcast on Soundcloud.