02 Apr, 2019

Eric Paulos a Mentor at the C&C Graduate Student Symposium

Creativity & Cognition brings together artists, scientists, designers, educators, and researchers to more deeply understand how people engage individually and socially in creative processes and how computation and other technology can affect creative outcomes. This year's theme, Transformational Creativity, highlights the transformational impact that human and computational aspects of creativity can have on our communities and cultures.

The GSS, Graduate Student Symposium, provides a forum in which students have a unique opportunity to meet and present work with each other and a panel of experienced researchers and practitioners. Four mentors offer feedback on current research and creative explorations and give guidance on future directions. Our own Eric Paulos will serve as a mentor at this year's San Diego conference.

Along with this symposium, four mentors will be featured to also provide feedback on research. Paulos is one of the featured mentors for the symposium.

The symposium takes place June 23, 2019. To see more details about the Graduate Student Symposium, see here!