Ken Goldberg at TechCrunch Robotics
Along with fellow UC Berkeley professor Michael Jordan, BCNM faculty Ken Goldberg will host a talk on "Artificial Intelligence: Minds, Economies and Systems that Learn" at TechCrunch Sessions: Robotics & AI. The single-day event will take place on April 18, with the lecture occurring frmo 11:35 AM to 11:55 AM.
From the lecture description:
AI and robots are being adopted by industry after industry, ushering in a new era in technology and services — but one that needs to be built as it grows. Berkeley’s Ken Goldberg and Michael Jordan discuss the advances that got us here and what comes next.
TechCrunch Sessions: Robotics & AI is designed to facilitate in-depth interviews and networking opportunities with top robotics and AI technologists, founders, investors and researchers.
For more information, visit the official TechCrunch Sessions: Robotics & AI event page here. See the full agenda here.