15 Jan, 2019

BCNM at Annual Meeting of the American Studies Association 2018

The American Studies Association held their annual meeting from November 8-11, 2018 in Atlanta, Georgia. The organization promotes meaningful dialogue about the United States, throughout the U.S. and across the globe. The oldest scholarly association devoted to the interdisciplinary study of U.S. culture and history in a global context, the ASA is also one of the leading scholarly communities supporting social change.

The 2018 theme for the meeting was States of Emergence. From the website:

"States of Emergence"[...] emphasizes that our sense of crisis must be thought alongside our constant commitment to challenging the calamities that beset us and to producing alternative— indeed better—worlds. The theme is partly taken from Homi Bhabha’s 1986 foreword to Frantz Fanon’s Black Skin, White Masks. In a reading of Walter Benjamin’s famous theorization that the tradition of the oppressed teaches us that the ‘state of emergency’ in which we live is not the exception but the rule,” Bhabha added, “And the state of emergency is also always a state of emergence.” In our extension of Bhabha’s suggestion, we seek to underline the plural nature of those emergences and to question what emergence means in the contemporary context.

Shannon Jackson spoke on a panel on "The Emergence and State of the Urban Humanities" with Aaron Shkuda, Princeton University; Jamin Rowan, Brigham Young University–Provo; Carlo Rotella, Boston College; chaired by Benjamin Looker, Saint Louis University.

Alum Bonnie Ruberg presented her paper "Teaching Social Justice in the Era of Online Harassment" alongside Kiera J. Anderson, Simon Fraser University; Christina Boyles, Michigan State University; Jennifer Alzate González, University of Michigan– Ann Arbor.

Alum Caitlin Marshall chaired the "Sound Studies Caucus: Emergent Auralities and Subaltern Sounds: Latinx Cultural Production and Performance" with papers by Karen Jaime, Cornell University;Marlen Rios Hernandez, University of California– Riverside; Patricia Herrera, University of Richmond, Marci McMahon, The University of Texas– Rio Grande Valley.

Learn more about the program here.