
Neyran Turan's Nemestudio Featured on Archinect

21 Dec, 2018

Neyran Turan's Nemestudio Featured on Archinect

#ArchinectMeets uses Instagram to find architects that share their creative work on the digital platform to interview and feature on their website.

Earlier this month, #ArchitectMeets featured an Neyran Turan's architectural practice, Nemestudio, based in the San Francisco Bay Area. Check out their instagram at @nemestudio.

Read some of their exchange below!

Archinect: How did you begin curating your Instagram profile in relation to your professional practice?

Turan: We value images and image-making as critical aspects for architectural knowledge production and practice, but have been relatively slow in understanding social media’s potential to cultivate that aspect for communicating our work to the world. We started an Instagram profile sometime last year in an attempt to create an alternative platform to share our work. Until then, our main platform for sharing work had been our website, which invites a different form of reception and engagement with our work.

The rest of the interview can be found here on