
Trevor Paglen Featured in ArtNet Article on AI in Art

07 Nov, 2018

Trevor Paglen Featured in ArtNet Article on AI in Art

Tim Schneider and Naomi Rea of Artnet published a piece titled "Has Artificial Intelligence Given Us the Next Great Art Movement? Experts Say Slow Down, the ‘Field Is in Its Infancy"in which they dicsuss the values of selling AI art.

In it, they mention Trevor Paglen and his series “Adversarially Evolved Hallucinations" to support their argument that AI has strong appeal to artists who are interested in both technology and the traditional art path.

Rather than train a GAN on portraits to produce an approximation of a human-rendered portrait, he trained GANs on images labeled only with symbolic or metaphorical terms, then directed them to produce images of these subjects that evade the (seemingly) simple literalism of training images labeled “portrait” or “cat.”

AI has expanded the limits and increased the canvases that art was bounded to before. Paglen's work False Teeth (Corpus: Interpretations of Dreams)(2018) is proof of that.

Read the full article here.