15 Oct, 2018

Ken Goldberg Interview in Robotics Business Review

In anticipation of RoboBusiness 2018, the Robotics Business Review interviewed our own Ken Goldberg. The article "Robot Grasping to Benefit From Deep Learning and the Cloud, Says RoboBusiness Keynote Speaker" was written by Eugene Demaitre.

From the article:
There’s a host of different robot grasping solutions on the market, but most are rigid in terms of dexterity and their ability to handle a wide range of objects, according to Ken Goldberg, a professor at the University of California, Berkeley. This has limited robots to factories and warehouses, when they could be helping more in hospitals, homes, and other dynamic environments, he said.

Goldberg is an expert in developing and refining robot grasping, having developed the first provably complete algorithms for part feeding and part fixturing and the first robot on the Internet. He is the chair of UC Berkeley’s Industrial Engineering and Operations Research Department.

Read the rest of the interview here.