11 Aug, 2018

Grace Gipson Reviews Disability, Race, and Gender in Speculative Fiction

Grace Gipson (African American Studies) published a review of Sami Schalk’s Bodyminds Reimagined: (Dis)ability, Race, and Gender in Black Women’s Speculative Fiction in Black Perspectives, arguing that Schalk's work is trailblazing and long overdue.

From Grace's review:

Much in the same way that Martin Luther King Jr. convinced Nichelle Nichols to continue her role in the original Star Trek television series because as a Black American woman she helped represent a future to which people could aspire, Sami Schalk does that by shining a light on the longstanding work of Black women speculative writers. Schalk gives us hope as to the many ways in which these writers can be used to dismantle the oppressive systems of ableism and racism while promoting new spaces of feminist scholarship and activism.

Read the article here.