BCNM at ASA 2018
The Berkeley Center for New Media will be attending the 2018 ASA(American Sociological Association) Annual Meeting from August 11-14 in Philadelphia, PA. This year's annual meeting is titled "Feeling Race: An invitation to Explore Racialized Emotions."
1523. Regular Session. Mixed Methods Research Approaches to Social Inquiry
Pennsylvania Convention Center, 113B, Street Level, 4:30-6:10pm
Session Organizer: Lauren Duquette-Rury, UCLA
Presider: Elaine J Laberge, University of Victoria
Concurrent Sex across the Life Course in Rural South Africa: A Mixed Methods Study Sanyu A. Mojola, University of Michigan; Brian Houle, Australian National University; Nicole Angotti, American University
Making the Cases Visible: Revealing Genres of Insurgency by Turning Regression Inside Out Andrew Davis and Ronald L. Breiger, University of Arizona; Eric Schoon, The Ohio State University
Scalable Detection of Online Hate Speech: Developing a Methodology for Identifying Contemporary Online Hate Speech Laura Jakli, Claudia von Vacano and Chris Kennedy, UC Berkeley; Nora Broege, University of California, Berkeley; Ben Hidru Gebre-Medhin, Geoff Bacon and Chris Hench, UC Berkeley
3156. Regular Session. Modes of Political Dissent and Consent
Philadelphia Marriott Downtown, 411, Level 4, 8:30-10:10am
Session Organizer: Debra Minkoff, Barnard College
Presider: Caroline W. Lee, Lafayette College
Before Trump: Rightwing Populism and Manufacturing Digital Consent Jen Schradie, Institute for Advanced Study
in Toulouse
Resist and Persist: The Staying Power of Center-Left Resistance Groups following the 2016 Election Leah Gose
and Theda Skocpol, Harvard University
Keep Calm and Carry On: Loyalty Among Federal Employees During Chaotic Times Jaime Kucinskas and Yvonne Zylan,
Hamilton College
Discussant: Caroline W. Lee, Lafayette College