11 Apr, 2018

Ken Goldberg at Em Tech Digital 2018

Ken Goldberg, professor at UC Berkeley and publisher of Robots at Work: What Precision Grasping Will Mean for Industry, participated in the EmTech Digital 2018 conference by speaking about "The State of AI: Robotos in the Workplace." The segment was hosted by WIll Knight and its summary reads: "State of the art robotics technology is poised to deliver robots that are more more useful in the workplace."

The overall event was an experience and a provided space to discuss the tech industry and its changing workforce.

The following sypnosis was taken directly from the website:

At this year’s EmTech Digital, we’ll be looking especially closely at the firms leading China’s AI revolution, at how AI is permeating enterprises from manufacturing to retail, and at the ethical dilemmas that have recently emerged as machines take on bigger and more complex decisions, causing algorithms to reveal their hidden biases.