Eric Paulos Smashing Computer in Critical Making goes Viral on the Daily Mail and Boing Boing

On the first day of the spring semester, Eric Paulos threw his laptop across the floor of his classroom while teaching his design class titled "Critical Making." In the video, his students are visibly shocked but they eventually applauded after Paulos explained he wanted his students to start looking at the world differently and think outside the box.
British tabloid The Daily Mail picked up the story, writing an article about it on its website. The article called it a "bizarre lesson" with a "laptop obliterating stunt." Group blog Boing Boing also featured the video on its website.
Paulos said in his video description:
On the first day of my Critical Making class at UC Berkeley, I wanted to make a point about expectations – about expectations for this course and more importantly about leaving them behind as we engage in the material and topics within Critical Making. Rather than say it or even show a slide, I unexpectedly and dramatically lifted "my" laptop and smashed it across the floor of the classroom.
Read the rest of the Daily Mail article here and the Boing Boing article here.
You can watch the full, original Youtube video here.