02 May, 2012

Digital Inquiry: Keynote Talk by Bernard Stiegler

The two day symposium brought together interdisciplinary scholars, artists, and media industry representatives to reflect on the nature of knowledge in the digital age. How do the tools of new media transform the questions we ask, how do they enable new questions, and how do they foreclose other questions?

Bernard Stiegler, director of the Institut de recherche et d'innovation (IRI) in France, gave the keynote talk on cognition and digital technologies.

Below is the transcript of his keynote [link no longer available].

Digital Inquiry: Bernard Stiegler on "Lights and Shadows in the Digital Age" [link no longer available]

Here is a recording of his lecture: [link no longer available]

To find more information on Digital Inquiry, please click the link [link no longer available]

The Digital Inquiry symposium is presented by the Berkeley Center for New Media with support from the French American Cultural Society, the Cultural Service of the Consulate General of France in San Francisco, the Innovation Center Denmark, and CITRIS.