
Welcoming BCNM's New DE and Certificate Students

07 May, 2012

Welcoming BCNM's New DE and Certificate Students

We are delighted to announce the following newly students as of Spring 2012 to the Berkeley Center for New Media's Designated Emphasis and Master's Certificate Program in New Media.

Naomi Bragin (Doctoral candidate, Theatre, Drama, and Performance Studies) researches black street dance/hip hop and political aesthetics.

Kiera Chase (Doctoral candidate, Graduate School of Education) researches the integration of technology into the education of atypically developing individuals.

Sivan Eldar (Doctoral candidate, Department of Music) is a composer and researches acoustic and computer music composition and new media art and scholarship.

Andrew Godbehere (Doctoral candidate, EECS) studies Control Theory and is researching practical applications of sensing and modeling dynamical systems, with particular focus on uncertainty.

Rosie Sooyeon Han (Doctoral candidate, Architecture) researches the relationship between new media technology and urban transformation.

Erin Johnson (MFA Candidate in Art Practice) is an artist who utilizes video, film, performance and sculpture to shape her research into the ways technology create new behaviors and relationships.

Sean Talley (MFA Candidate in Art Practice) bases his art on an understanding of the creative conventions of the art of the near past.

Jess Rowland (MFA Candidate, Department of Art Practice) focuses on the development and implementation of 2D paper acoustic speaker technology; the exploration of neuroscience as a transformative media; and the general fusing of the arts and science in a non-­trivial way to enable new insights and perspectives on the human condition.