24 Feb, 2014

TTT Revisted: Create Your Bot Hackathon

On Saturday, February 15th, 2014, the Turing Test Tournament Team at the Berkeley Center for New Media hosted the Create Your Chatbot Hackathon held in 240 Sutardja Dai Hall. Students at UC Berkeley, along with members of the Berkeley community, participated in building the most human chatbot, which will be placed into the BCNM- and On The Same Page Program-developed Turing Test Tournament game. Bruce Wilcox, AI programmer and winner of the 2010 and 2011 Loebner Prize, was on hand to assist contestants with Chatscript programming language and to serve as judge.

For those who missed the event, you can still create a chatbot for the newest version of the Turing Test Tournament, launching in the upcoming months. For news of the full launch, contact <a ""> to be added to the mailing list or continue to watch the BCNM website for more updates.