
Tangible User Interfaces Student Project Exhibition

10 Dec, 2014

Tangible User Interfaces Student Project Exhibition

Kimiko Ryokai's NWMEDIA/INFO C262: Tangible User Interfaces created new products aimed at shifting the way we interact with technology. On December 9th and 11th they presented their work at a public exhibition, where viewers could experiment with prototypes of the interfaces! From new musical instruments based voice recordings or toy tracks, to corporate heart-rate monitoring devices, to responsive videos that display how your information is being sold when you visit certain websites, to toys that allow you to view a new reality, to hydroponic showering, the designs presented at this year's exhibit were particularly creative and exciting.

Congratulations Arezu Aghaseyedjavadi, Jose Arvizu Gomez Trejo, Samudra Bhuyan, Lark Buckingham, Anna Carey, Amy Duong, Jaren Feeley, Marjan Ghahremani, Lu Han, Janine Heiser, Meredith Hitchcock, Faith Hutchinson, Elizabeth Lin, Xavier Malina, Eric Manalac, Chalenge Masekera, Kate Mattingly, Timothy Meyers, Kathryn Mock, Molly Robison, Nicolas Soldi, Joshua Stroud, Peter Swigert, Emily To, Daniel Tsai, Harrison Tsai, Matthew Valente, and GSI Laura Devendorf.

Check out the photos below!