31 Mar, 2015

Bonnie Ruberg to Join USC

Bonnie Ruberg will be joining the Interactive Media and Games Division at the University of Southern California in Fall 2015 through Spring 2017 as a Provost's Postdoctoral Scholar. Bonnie will be teaching and conducting research under the guidance of game industry veterans Tracy Fullerton and Richard Lemarchand, as well as top digital media scholars like Vicky Callahan. We're thrilled for Bonnie and so glad she'll be keeping a presence in the Bay Area and at the Berkeley Center for New Media as a co-organizer of her and Chris Goetz' amazing Queerness and Games Conference.

The Interactive Media and Games Division at USC is the only program of its kind tied to a cinematic arts school, and offers unprecedented opportunities for students to explore media convergence. Presenting a broad and deep curriculum, the division explores the methods and technologies that are shaping art and entertainment today, and provides leading edge research and a hotbed of ideas for future professional storytellers.

Congratulations, Bonnie!