Gail De Kosnik Awarded Tenure

Congratulations Gail De Kosnik for being awarded tenure in Theater, Dance, and Performance Studies and New Media! BCNM is thrilled by Gail's well-deserved promotion. At BCNM, she has launched and directed the popular Color of New Media Working Group, co-directed the successful History and Theory of New Media lecture series with David Bates, taught the foundational new media history and theory core curriculum, and advised numerous new media PhD candidates. Her latest book on digital archives, Rogue Memory, will be published by MIT Press in 2015, and she is currently working on a book on Twitter and #identity with a team of new media graduate students. She has also worked extensively on research regarding commitment viewing, which refers to how we now schedule and interact with the media we consume. In May, she and her team traveled to Los Angeles to present this project's findings.
Gail has published articles on media fandom, popular digital culture, and performance studies in Cinema Journal, The International Journal of Communication, Modern Drama, Transformative Works and Cultures and elsewhere. She is the co-editor, with Sam Ford and C. Lee Harrington, of the edited essay collection The Survival of Soap Opera: Transformations for a New Media Era (University Press of Mississippi, 2011). She and Sam Ford also wrote the annotated bibliography on “Soap Operas” for Oxford Bilbliographies Online (OBO).