
Hertzian Armor Featured on AdaFruit

14 Jul, 2015

Hertzian Armor Featured on AdaFruit

Eric Paulos' Spring 2015 Critical Making class gets another shout-out on AdaFruit's Wearable Wednesdays with Hertzian Armor, a wearable that makes the invisible visible by detecting Wifi and lighting up the material depending on what frequencies are detected. Outfitted with Adafruit NeoPixel strips, the Adafruit CC3000 WiFi Breakout, a Lilypad Arduino and LiPower, along with a LiPo battery, the team managed to keep their project streamlined and easy to use.

Here's what Adafruit had to say about the project: "I really love the look of this piece and I think it lends itself to our future of environmental sniffing clothing. From detecting space junk while on a space walk to sensing radiation while on a neighborhood promenade, there’s a need to examine what our bodies may come in contact with. Making those things visible to others is part of awareness and community."

We agree! Congratulations Stanford Stickney, Baxter Smith, Julia Solano, and Corey Short!

You can hear about Hertzian Armor from the team themselves below!

hertzian armor video from JB Smith on Vimeo.