05 May, 2017

BCNM at CHI 2017

A strong contingent of BCNM faculty and students presented at the CHI (Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems) 2017 program in Denver, CO.

Eric Paulos and James Pierce were Papers & Notes Associate Chairs in Design for the event, and Björn Hartmann was a Papers & Notes Associate Chair in Interaction Techniques, Devices, and Modalities.

The conference, which spans five days, also featured a project previously featured on the BCNM website, "Illumination Aesthetics: Light as a Creative Material within Computational Design" by Eric Paulos, Cesar Torres (BCNM DE), and Molly Nicholas (BCNM DE). Earlier this year, the group was awarded Best Paper for this conference.

Also representing UC Berkeley and BCNM are Christine Dierk and Tomjs Vega Galvez for their presentation, "AlterNail: Ambient, Batteryless, Stateful, Dynamic Displays at Your Fingertips" as part of Eric Paulos' Hybrid Ecologies Lab. And finally, Ryo Suzuki, Gustavo Soares, Elena Glassman, Andrew Head, Loris D’Antoni, and Björn Hartmann will represent their work, "Exploring the Design Space of Automatically Synthesized Hints for Introductory Programming Assignments."

You may read the conference program in full here.