10 Aug, 2015

MacKenzie Alessi Explores Data Arts with Digital Humanities

BCNM has been lucky to hire undergraduate certificate candidate MacKenzie Alessi as a Digital Humanities summer intern. Digital Humanities at Berkeley has provided several grants to units across campus to foster the digital humanities among the student population by providing opportunities for direct, hands-on research. This summer, MacKenzie, who is a rising senior majoring in Interdisciplinary Studies, sharpened her programming skills by working with BCNM Director Greg Niemeyer on Urban Lighting and Data Arts. You can read the full description on her activities at the DH Blog!

From the blog: “I’m a huge fan of the breadth courses on this campus. I think CS should be one of the breadth courses you have to take. Coming from a strict humanities background [originally majoring in Philosophy], I was scared of computer science and those courses. But I think that anyone at Berkeley can excel [in these classes], and they shouldn’t be discouraged by the grades they get. Grades don’t necessarily reflect your interest, your intelligence, or your skill.”

Want to know even more? MacKenzie will join Greg on August 17th to present their work at the Digital Humanities Berkeley Summer Institute!