01 Sep, 2015

Research Opportunity: Textile Display Technology

A great opportunity from DE Laura Devendorf and BCNM faculty Kimiko Ryokai!

Research Opportunity

We are currently looking to work with 2-3 graduate or undergraduate researchers in our exploration of a dynamic textile display technology we’re calling Ebb. Wearable computing is a growing area opportunity in human-computer interaction and we are exploring how color-changing clothing might be understood and utilized in everyday contexts. Our study is investigating both aesthetic patterns of color change (e.g., a slowly shimmering squares) as well as data-driven displays (e.g., countdown to bus arrival). We are interested in questions such as: What role might dynamic textiles play in people's everyday clothing? How can this broaden the range of aesthetic possibilities for fashion? What kinds of social behaviors might this clothing enable or inhibit? We intend to publish the results of our technological explorations and studies at major conferences in human computer interaction.

To date, we have developed several dynamic textile displays and have conducted a study to investigate user perception of these displays. In the Fall 2015 semester, we are looking to make our prototypes truly wearable so we can conduct a study where people wear the dynamic displays we developed in their daily life for an extended period of time. Additionally, we will be making improvements to a mobile application that we developed to allow individuals to interface with our textile displays over bluetooth. We are looking for student in one of two areas (or both!):

Hardware and Electronics
This student should be very familiar with building custom electronics and experience designing custom PCB’s using Eagle is preferred. This student would assist in optimizing our existing circuity to make it more comfortable to wear on the body.

Mobile Development
This student should be interested in visual design and user experience. Experience developing Android applications and/or using Cordova/PhoneGap is a bonus. Experience interfacing with and pulling real-time data from API’s is also a bonus. This student would assist improving the look, feel, and functionality of our existing application.

All student researchers would have the opportunity to contribute to the creative vision of the project and will have opportunities to participate in both the building as well as evaluation of the technology. We would love to work with students who are passionate about the intersection of technology, art, and fashion. Additionally, students with craft hobbies like sewing, crochet, weaving will also provide valuable insights and skills to our project.

More Information:
Videos of our existing explorations can be found at:
https://vimeo.com/138025527 (password: ebb)

Our Team
The project team students will be working with consists of:

Laura Devendorf, a 5th year PhD Candidate in the School of Information and Designated Emphasis student at the Berkeley Center for New Media. more info: artfordorks.com

Noura Howell is a 2nd year PhD student at the School of Information. more info: http://nourahowell.com/

Eric Paulos is an assistant professor in EECS as well at the Berkeley Center for New Media. more info: http://www.paulos.net/

Kimiko Ryokai is an associate professor at the School of Information and Berkeley Center for New Media. more info: http://people.ischool.berkeley.edu/~kimiko/