16 Sep, 2015

GNOSISONG: An Audiovisual Installation by Chris Chafe and Greg Niemeyer

Medical data shows patterns of thought at the rate of 1000 Hz. An audiovisual installation by Chris Chafe and Greg Niemeyer takes that complex, simultaneous data from the human mind and visualizes the curious simultaneity of multiple pathways through musical and light pulses.

A description from the Centro de Cultura Digital's page on the exhibition reads:
"This work generates music and images in real time from human biological data that remains hidden, intentionally and without explanation, from the listener. In other words, this is a piece that has a mechanical-biological environment where the amount of data determines the length of the piece (21 minutes). This converted human data contains natural crescendos and pulses of acceleration. The musical structure is amplified by creating an increasingly dense series of abrupt transitions."

Meyer Sound provided the exquisite sound systems for this installation. The installation opened on August 28 and will remain open until September 24. View the video below to learn more about the exhibit!