24 Sep, 2015

Technology Award Dispatches: Rama Gottfried

This year, the BCNM awarded five new media graduate students with technology services and training awards to help them fund the support they need to further their research agendas. Here’s what Rama Gottfried gained from the experience!

The BCNM Spring Training and Technology Research Award was a helpful financial support for a new project I am working on, which in many ways is the culmination of my artistic research at UC Berkeley. The project centers on the development of an OpenCV video-based musical instrument, where the micro-gestures used by instrumentalists to control their instruments become abstracted and re-contextualized into a more theatrical-visual performance space. Through the course of the 2015 spring semester I evaluated dozens of various types of cameras and real-time video processing systems, and eventually determined that the best use of the funding would be to invest in a high-speed broadcast camera which will be integrated into the instrument, used as a sensor for sound and real-time video control.
