Ken Goldberg and a Wake-Up Call for California
BCNM's Ken Goldberg, along with other academics, presented "A Wake Up Call for California: Innovations in Earthquake Preparedness" on February 11th, 2016, as part of the Connected Communities CITRIS Initiative. At the event, Ken showcased Quakecafe, a website that provides Californians with a powerful tool that allows them to quickly and easily assess their level of preparedness, and compare their readiness for the Big One with others across the state. It works on all screens and takes only a minute to complete:
After discussing the data and lessons learned from QuakeCAFE, participants had the chance to hear about other innovations for earthquake early warning, preparedness, and response through a public panel featuring Amina Assefa, Manager of the Office of Emergency Management at UC Berkeley, Dan Coughlin, Director of the QuakeFinder Project, Prof. Robert Full, Professor of Biology at UC Berkeley, Prof. Peggy Hellweg, from the Seismological Lab at UC Berkeley, Patrick Otellini, Chief Resilience Officer of San Francisco, and Dr. Ross Stein, from Temblor.