Ken Goldberg on Robot Multiplicity
Ken Goldberg, BCNM faculty member and UC Berkeley professor, joined Erik Davis in an hour-long podcast of "Expanding Minds" to discuss artificial intelligence and multiplicity on September 18th, 2017.
In addition to talking about his background as a computer scientist, Ken discussed his work as an artist — and in particular, his "tele-garden" project. The tele-garden was intended to poetically demonstrate the integration of machine and earth by directing a robot to take care of an organic space. Thus, the plants were "tended by the tender movements of the industrial robot," being meticulously watered and weeded by a technological device.
Throughout the podcast, the two also discussed how humans intrepret increasingly powerful automated devices, popular imaginations and beliefs about robots, self-driving cars, the controversy of free speech at UC Berkeley, the Singularity myth, and more.
Listen to the rest of the podcast here.