23 May, 2016

Alex Saum-Pascual Receives Humanities Research Fellowship

Alex Saum-Pascual has received a Humanities Research Fellowship for the 2016-2017 year to study electronic literature in Spain. Alex will be based in Madrid, where she will be completing her first monograph, The Trace of the Digital: Post-Web Literature in Spain, an interdisciplinary study on the influence of electronic writing technologies on both printed and born-digital books. She analyzes a series of texts where the impact of writing software and the Web has not only left a traceable mark, but has been exploited poetically—although the visibility of this trace varies from work to work, sometimes manifesting itself as a purely graphical revelation, sometimes as a subtler structural principle. She calls this type of writing post-web literature and she understands it as a rejection to the contemporary Spanish canon. This is a reconceptualization of contemporary experimentalism that understands digital technologies as fundamental agents of change.