26 Sep, 2017

Nicholas de Monchaux at Ohio State University Oct 18

Nicholas de Monchaux, director of BCNM, will speak at Ohio State University's Knowlton School of Architecture Fall 2017 Baumer Lecture Series. He will be presenting October 18 in the Gui Auditorium / Knowlton Hall at 5:30 pm.

Other speakers include Andrew Holder from the Los Angeles Design Group, Nader Tehrani from the Cooper Union, and Jackilin Hah Bloom from Pita & Bloom. If you're in Columbus, join us and say hi!

All lectures are free and open to the public. See the website for the full calendar list of lecturers.


As part of the Knowlton School’s commitment to bringing the highest level of design thinking to its students and the community at large, the Baumer Lecture Series invites prominent researchers and practitioners of architecture, landscape architecture and city planning to present their work in a variety of areas. These lectures offer technical, cultural and theoretical understanding of the contemporary built environment and represent the contemporary and future state of the art in design thinking.

The Baumer Lecture Series is made possible from support provided by the Herbert Baumer Fund. The fund was established by professor emeritus Herbert Baumer, FAIA, to provide enrichment of the professional educational opportunities offered by the school, and specifically, for the provision of seminar leaderships or lectureships by outstanding members of the architectural and related professions.