25 Jul, 2016

Announcing BCNM's Fall 2016 Open House

Save the date! The annual Berkeley Center for New Media Fall Open House is taking place on August 23, 2016 from 4:00 — 6:00 PM in 340 Moffitt Undergraduate Library.

Meet BCNM’s incoming director Nicholas de Monchaux and celebrate the start of the semester with great food, refreshments and conversation! We’ll have live demonstrations from Eric Paulos’ Hybrid Ecologies Lab, critical visualizations on the Color of New Media from Abigail De Kosnik, Andrea Horbinski, and Renée Pastel, Kimiko Ryokai's prototypes of the research behind Google's project Jacquard, as well as cutting-edge radial displays of climate change from Greg Niemeyer and BCNM undergraduate Akhila Raju. Plus, you’ll have the chance to preview our upcoming programming (GIFs, Immersion, Algorithms, and more!) and our vision for the coming year.

"This is a great opportunity to connect with faculty, students, and staff on campus who work in the new media space," BCNM program officer Lara Wolfe says.

Join us to reconnect — or forge new connections — and find out more about how you can be involved in new media at Berkeley!

RSVP below!
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