
Alex Saum-Pascual Interviewed by NewHive

22 Sep, 2016

Alex Saum-Pascual Interviewed by NewHive

BCNM ExComm member Alex Saum-Pascual was recently interviewed by NewHive in an article about her selflex NewHive feed, which she defines as “another unpolished #SELFIEPOETRY project, this time about WOMEN & CAPITALISM.” NewHive describes itself as "today's internet of the future: a multimedia cultural hub for millions with the freshest and most creative work on the web today."

Read an excerpt from the interview below:
What started you writing poetry?

Reading poetry, mainly. But also, when I decided I wanted to start a graduate program in a US University, I thought that writing poetry would be a great way to practice with all those crazy GRE words. I started a poetry blog where I wrote mostly in English and I sort of loss the fear of publicly shaming myself. As for my multimedia poetry...