25 Oct, 2016

Revisited: Press Forward

BCNM was pleased to partner with the University of California Davis Libraries and Digital Humanities at Berkeley to bring PressForward to UC Berkeley October 18th for workshops on using their open-source software to aggregate, filter, and disseminate relevant scholarship. Eric Olson, outreach coordinator at PressForward, offered three workshops to introduce faculty, staff, and graduate students to the Wordpress based system. With hands-on practice at organizing and publishing curated content and case studies on how PressForward can be integrated into research teams and projects in and outside the classroom, Eric presented a vision for how the tool can further future scholarly communication projects.

PressForward was developed by the Roy Rozensweig Center for History and New Media–the creators of Zotero (http://zotero.org) and Omeka (http://omeka.org/)—- and improves user's ability to find, curate, and share content from the web. By adding an RSS / Atom feed reader and editorial workflow directly into the WordPress dashboard, PressForward makes it easier for academic communities to develop edited collections of content.

PressForward is the technology supporting large-scale, community-edited publications such as Digital Humanities Now, dh+lib, PLOS Collections, and Microbe.net at UC Davis, as well as small-scale student publications such as Situating the Global Environment from Lewis and Clark College.