04 Nov, 2014

Videos Now Online: Image as Location

We’re thrilled to share the videos of the amazing lectures from IMAGE as LOCATION: the conference. The Berkeley Center for New Media partnered with Books in Browsers, the Cultural Services of the French Consulate, the Goethe-Institut San Francisco, Gray Area Foundation for the Arts, and swissnex San Francisco to produce a day of lightning talks on how images define our locations by allowing us to access the inaccessible.

You can read about some of the highlights from the day from the excellent summary BCNM Director Greg Niemeyer wrote earlier this year.

From the cellular level to the macro scale of planetary depictions, experts considered and innovated on the notion of images providing a sense of place, inspiring the audience to reflect on our relationship to the pictures that surround our lives. The conference proved the vital importance of critically analyzing the nature of images in our world.