31 Aug, 2017

Revisited: Digital Humanities at Berkeley Summer Institute

For the third year running, the Berkeley Center for New Media partnered with Digital Humanities at Berkeley to host the Digital Humanities at Berkeley Summer Institute from August 14-18, 2017. The week featured a series of courses, including Maps for Humanities, Computational Text Analysis, Structuring and Annotating Data Archives for Analysis, and Data Workflows and Network Analysis. Participants also had the opportunity to hear an amazing slew of lectures, including Richard So and David Goldberg's opening and closing keynotes, a discussion between micha cárdenas and Abigail De Kosnik, and in-depth project discussions from Scott Saul and Hubert Mara. Quinn Dombrowski, Chris Hoffman, Stacy Reardon, Cody Hennesy, and Chris Hench also offered introductions to some of the amazing resources and opportunities on campus.

Thank you to everyone who joined, but especially to Claudia von Vacano, Chris Hench, and Rachel Roberson from Digital Humanities at Berkeley for organizing such a fantastic event!

2017 DHBSI