15 Apr, 2021

Grad Chat: Alt Ac Careers

Grad Chat: Alt Academic Careers


Jennifer Lowe, Writer at Plaid (UCB BA ‘09, Anthropology)

Dan Perkel, Director of IDEO San Francisco (UCB Ph.D ‘11, Information Management and Systems; BCNM DE)

Aylon Samouha, Co-founder of Transcend Education (BCNM Advisory Board Member)

Moderated by Gail De Kosnik, BCNM Director

Register here.

BCNM hosts our second Grad Chat, a special conversation focused on alt academic careers with Berkeley grads Jennifer Lowe (Writer, Plaid), Dan Perkel (Director, IDEO SF), and BCNM Advisory Board Member Aylon Samouha (Co-founder, Transcend Education). This event will be held in a meeting format, and audience questions are encouraged. A perfect event for those approaching the job market or interested in exploring creative careers outside of academia. We hope to see you there!


All of our events for the 2020-2021 academic year will be held on Zoom in English, in Pacific Standard Time (PST). This event will be held in a meeting format, so you will have the option to turn your camera on and particpate in the q&a. We provide live-captioning in Zoom and offer a separate Streamtext window for live-captioning with options to customize text size and display. We strive to meet any additional access and accommodation needs. Please contact info.bcnm [at] with requests or questions.

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