11 Mar, 2021

Fandom + Piracy: Fandom & Race Panel


andré carrington, Associate Professor of English at University of California, Riverside.

Racquel Gates, Associate Professor of Cinema and Media Studies at College of Staten Island, CUNY.

Alfred Martin, Assistant Professor of Communication Studies at University of Iowa.

Rukmini Pande, Assistant Professor of English Literature at O.P. Jindal Global University.

Moderated by Abigail De Kosnik, Associate Professor in the Berkeley Center for New Media and the department of Theater, Dance and Performance Studies at University of California, Berkeley.

Rebecca Wanzo will join for the Q&A.

Fandom + Piracy website here.
Register for the Zoom link here!

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The series will be recorded and available on BCNM's YouTube channel.

Video and Transcript Now Online

Click here to watch the recorded lecture.

Click here to view the transcript.

Scholars of color will discuss how fandom is racialized, how race is addressed (and not) in fannish spaces, how and where people of color explore and express their fannish interests, how fans of color are responding to the media industries’ attempts at diversifying casts and narratives, and fan studies and critical race theory currently intersect, and their visions for the future of fan studies.

Likely topics include fandom and political activism, representation in media, race and fan platforms, and the Movement for Black Lives.

About Virtual Mini-Series Fandom & Piracy 2021

Fandom + Piracy website here.

Fandom and piracy are two modes of countercultural computing, alternative media, distributed creativity, and copying culture. While critics have often characterized them as illegitimate or even criminal, fandom and piracy have played a crucial role in the evolution of the Internet. Though marginalized by the media industries, legal establishment, and academia, the work of fans and pirates is central to how we interact with media.

In this conference mini-series, we will hear from scholars whose work enables us to understand how fandom and piracy have attracted millions of participants and become akin to social movements, how they have given rise to digital platforms that both augment and defy the corporatization of media production and the web, and how race/ethnicity, gender, and sexuality operate within fan and pirate communities.

This event will consist of two keynote lectures and two panels taking place online on four consecutive Thursdays (February 25, March 4, March 11, and March 18, 2021).


BCNM events are free and open to the public. All of our events for the 2020-2021 academic year will be held on Zoom in English, in Pacific Standard Time (PST). We provide live-captioning in Zoom and offer a separate Streamtext window for live-captioning with options to customize text size and display. We strive to meet any additional access and accommodation needs. Please contact info.bcnm [at] with requests or questions.

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