Art, Tech & Culture
19 Mar, 2018

Yugoexport Is the Name of this Oral Corporation

The import-export business of making history demands an equivalence, a loyalty, and a familial solidarity between people and things. Such skills are best honed in conditions of blindness, where we cannot immediately tell what is in the room with us and whether it is alive or dead, person or thing, male or female.

Blind and non-aligned, the oral corporation extends its incorporation indefinitely. Incorporated in the United States (where corporations are people), launched in Paris and headquartered in Belgrade, she is a copy or avatar of Jugoeksport, a defunct Yugoslav apparel manufacturer and weapons exporter.

Since the dissolution of Yugoslavia in 2003, ‘Yug’ is a vacant space, and the oral corporation occupies it by returning to the original meaning of yug or jug which is south. The oral corporation mounts production on a sur-national scale from this cardinal direction, from the Balkans and the old Roman trade and military route Via Militaris.

Welcome to a terrain of production from the mouth.

About Irena Haiduk

Irena Haiduk is Against Biography.

See link for more information:

About the Art, Technology, and Culture Colloquium

Berkeley’s Art, Technology, and Culture Colloquium is an internationally recognized forum for presenting new ideas that challenge conventional wisdom about art, technology, and culture. This series, free of charge and open to the public, presents artists, writers, curators, and scholars who consider contemporary issues at the intersection of aesthetic expression, emerging technologies, and cultural history, from a critical perspective.


This year, we are excited to present Yugoexport Is the Name of this Oral Corporation with Irena Haiduk as part of the following series:

Cities have the capability of providing something for everybody, only because, and only when, they are created by everybody.”
― Jane Jacobs, The Death and Life of Great American Cities


09/25 World Without Mind: The Existential Threat of Big Tech
Frank Foer, Journalist, New York
In partnership with the Graduate School of Journalism

10/23 Socially Engaged Internet-Art: Aesthetics of Information Ethics
Paolo Cirio, Artist, New York
In partnership with the Department of Art Practice

11/6 We must conjure our Gods before we obey them
Michael Rock, Designer, 2X4, New York
In partnership with the Department of Architecture & Urban Planning


01/29 Indexical Ambivalence
Kris Paulsen, Associate Professor, The Ohio State University, Ohio
In partnership with the History and Theory of New Media Lecture Series

02/05 Connectivity as Human Right
Nicholas Negroponte, Architect, MIT, Massachussetts
In partnership with the Jacobs Institute for Design Innovation

03/19 Yugoexport Is the Name of this Oral Corporation
Irena Haiduk, Artist, Belgrade, Serbia
In partnership with the Wiesenfeld Visiting Artist Lecture Series

04/09 new art, flag art, good art, portal art
Ian Cheng, Artist, Los Angeles
In partnership with the Wiesenfeld Visiting Artist Lecture Series

04/16 Abolition Feminisms
Angela Davis, activist & scholar, UC Santa Cruz
A 2018 Regents Lecture


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