Special Events
01 Jul, 2016

Tsar Bell at 50th Anniversary of St. John

The Sts. Cyril & Athanasius Institute is hosting its fifth symposium in San Francisco, on the theme The Living Legacy of St. John the Wonderworker of San Francisco, to take place 30th June-1st July 2016 in conjunction with the special services and events commemorating the 50th anniversary of the repose of St. John.

The symposium on St. John will interweave Divine Services at the New Cathedral of the Holy Virgin (where St. John's incorrupt relics rest) and talks, roundtables and other activities at the St. George Pathfinders Scouts Hall, just across the street from the Cathedral. The two-day conference will begin following the Akathist before the relics of St. John on Thursday evening, and continue for the whole of Friday, up until the Vigil of the Feast.

The reproduced sound of the Tsar Bell is being featured along with the cathedral bells on July 1st and 2nd. The Russian Tsar Bell is the largest confirmed bell ever cast at over 200 tons. But in 1732, before it was struck, it broke during casting. Together with Stanford, and U Michigan, UC Berkeley researchers made the Tsar Bell ring for the very first time. With Finite Element Analysis (FEA) and other simulations, we created a computational model of what it would have sounded like.

See http://www.sforthodoxinstitute.org/conferences/389-2016-stjohn-symposium for registration, program and venue information.


4:00 pm – Daily Vespers and Matins, transfer of reliquary to the center of the cathedral
6:00 pm – Akathist to St. John before his relics
7:30 pm – Opening session of the Symposium: "St. John and His Legacy"

FRIDAY, July 1
8:00 am – Daily Divine Liturgy
10:30 am - 4:00 pm – "St. John and His Legacy" Symposium
5:00 pm – Confessions
6:00 pm – Vigil

12:00 midnight – early Divine Liturgy
9:00 am – Greeting of the Metropolitan, Divine Liturgy, Molieben with Procession
2:00 pm – Luncheon at the Russian Center

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