Special Events
20 Sep, 2010


In architecture practice, "research" is conducted as a form of applied design. It is not fixed, scientific or determinative, but experimental and multivalent. At the same time, a building or architectural project must stand alone. This talk will describe our work as open ended research into conditions of architecture including geometry, fabrication technology, structure, material and environment through "case studies" of our design projects. Work at two distinct scales will be discussed - one-to-one scale material exploration, and larger building and city scale hypothetical designs.

Lisa Iwamoto is partner of IwamotoScott, a practice formed in partnership with Craig Scott. Committed to pursuing architecture as a form of applied design research, IwamotoScott engages in projects at multiple scales and in a variety of contexts consisting of full-scale fabrications, museum installations and exhibitions, theoretical proposals, competitions and commissioned design projects. IwamotoScott's work has been published widely nationally and internationally. Iwamoto is an Associate Professor in the Department of Architecture at The University of California, Berkeley. Her research focuses on digital fabrication and material technologies for architecture, which can be found in her book Digital Fabrications: Architectural and Material Techniques published by Princeton Architectural Press as part of their series Architecture Briefs.
