Special Events
30 Oct, 2012

Ephemeral Space: Networks of Social Media & Mobile Food Vending Practices

Join Ginette Wessel, PhD Candidate, Dept of Architecture at UC Berkeley, in her presentation and discussion of mobile food vendors and social media. The role of online communication in redefining how we receive, generate and share information is widely discussed, yet the ways in which it reconfigures the urban environment remain unclear. How can we understand the relational meaning, use and relevance of contemporary urban places when everyday activities are becoming more mobile? How might urban analysts, planners, designers and inhabitants respond to the influence of information technology on these increasingly dynamic environments? Using the fast-growing mobile food truck industry, this research applies an ethnographic approach to analyze networks of both information exchange and social events and practices in urban environments.

The Digital Society in Context - New Media Research Workshop is sponsored by the Berkeley Center for New Media with support from the CITRIS Data and Democracy Initiative

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