
Materialidad digital, algoritmos y otras abstracciones modernas.

16 Sep, 2022

Materialidad digital, algoritmos y otras abstracciones modernas.

Alex Saum-Pascual's Materialidad digital, algoritmos y otras abstracciones modernas is featured in Hispanic writings from the exocanon.

This volume offers an interdisciplinary and innovative approach to approach, with a transatlantic approach, the literary fact in Spanish. Its chapters focus on the study of the works and circumstances that inhabit the peripheries of the cultural canon, and even spaces outside of it. Altermodernity, ludonarrative, trans-baroquism, digital (de)materialization and the myth of after-theory coexist in these pages to address the study of figures such as Pedro Casariego, María Sonia Cristoff, Antonio Orejudo, Daniela Bojórquez or Mónica Ojeda, among others.

Through its pages, a view is built that goes beyond the canon (and the anticanon) to fully immerse itself in the exocanon: a hypermodern approach to the legitimizing and prescribing spaces following the tradition of polysystems. With this, a heterogeneous corpus of works is built that transcends traditionalist literature to also address digital texts, text-visual explorations or even exhibitions.

To read it all, please visit here.