
Edgar Fabián Frías Profiled on Indigenous Futurisms

04 Sep, 2024

Edgar Fabián Frías Profiled on Indigenous Futurisms

Kira Xonorika writes about "Indigenous Futurisms as Planetary Assemblage" for the Hyundai Art Lab, featuring our very own alum Edgar Fabián Frías!

From the article:

Against these fixed outlines, Wixárika artist and brujx Makuyeika, Edgar Fabian Frias creates virtual, holographic maps that embrace diffusion and fluidity. Unlike Gast’s “American Progress,” the figures in Frias’s works are integrated into the landscape, their colors synthesizing with the environment. These are maps for contemporary ancestors, drawing from “Nierika,” a Wixárika technology for world-making.

Read more here!