01 Jun, 2023

Shannon Jackson on the Relevance of Place

Relevance of Place is an online series of site-specific dialogues that explore the meaning of place at Tippet Rise Art Center. Tippet Rise presents performances by internationally acclaimed musicians during its annual summer concert season, at venues indoors and out, and through virtual performances and other online events.

Guided by Shannon Jackson, Chair of the History of Art Department at UC Berkeley and BCNM Executive Committee member, Relevance of Place invites artists, architects, designers, and creative thinkers to engage in conversation about the ethics, aesthetics, and relevance of place. These conversations explore “place” as a global, local, and personal concept as well as “place” as it refers specifically to Tippet Rise, a site that brings together “art, music, land, sky, and poetry” creating an “algorithm that is greater than the sum of its parts.” In individual interviews and group dialogues, each guest offers stories and insights from their own practice. Together, they reflect on the historic past and sustainable future of Tippet Rise—as an environmental site, as a wide-ranging art center, and as a creative gathering space.

Read more about the series here!