06 Apr, 2023

Work by Edgar Fabián Frías at the Riverside Art Museum

The exhibition the Land of Milk and Honey takes place at the Riverside Art Museum February 25–May 28, 2023 and features work by alum Edgar Fabián Frías! Edgar's work 3 Of Cups (Tatéi Neixa), 2023, is on view, and you can find out more about this stunning piece here.

From the description:

The Cheech and the MexiCali Biennial present Land of Milk & Honey, a traveling multidisciplinary arts and culture program featuring works by over 40 artists whose works focus on concepts of agriculture in the regions of California and Mexico. Drawing inspiration from John Steinbeck’s portrayal of the region as a corrupted Eden, the exhibitions and programs question ethical, cultural, and regional practices related to foodways and the venture from seed to table. The biblical reference of a “land of milk and honey” first became associated with California as a tool for promoting the state as a land of opportunity; a destination for those in search of a better way of life – a terra firma that would provide sustenance and abundance. This boosterism also served as an ethos that fueled “Manifest Destiny” and resulted in land grabs, ecological destruction, and social injustices.This exhibition features artists’ views of multi-layered topics associated with agriculture including cultural relationships to food, associations with identity and place, and historical and political concerns.

In conjunction with Land of Milk & Honey, an adjacent gallery presents MexiCali Biennial: Art, Action, Exchanges, an exhibition of artworks and ephemera that chronicle the history of the MexiCali Biennial from 2006 to the present.

View here.