Yasnaya Aguilar Gil Video & Transcript Now Online
This a great opportunity to review the discussion about "Tequiologies: Indigenous Solutions Against Climate Catastrophe" with Yásnaya Elena Aguilar Gil. Linguist, writer, translator, language rights activist, and researcher ayuujk (mixed) Introduced and moderated by Natalia Brizuela and Alex Saum-Pascual!
Presented in partnership with the Center for Latin American Studies. Co-sponsored by Alianza UCMX, Spanish & Portuguese, the Arts Research Center, and The American Indian Graduate Program.
It is a myth of the West’s choosing: perpetual economic growth, advancing through a digestive system of sorts, one that uses technology as one of its core components. In its churn, ecosystems became goods; people, mere consumers. The myth turned the world into a place increasingly inhospitable to human life. An alternative, offered by Abya Yala, lies in separating economic development and the development of new technologies from consumerism. This would place technological creation and ingenuity once again at the service of the common good, not of the market. Technology as tequio; technological creation and innovation as a common good.
Check out the English transcript here!
Check out the Spanish transcript here!
and the video!