Announcing Our 2017 Undergraduate Certificate Grads

From left to right: Howe Cui, Stacy Kellner, Carmen Zheng.
These students have piloted the BCNM undergraduate certificate program and made extensive contributions to New Media at Cal in the process. We’re so pleased to be able to share their achievements and wish them the best in their future projects!
Howe Cui
Howe (Computer Science) is interested in storytelling, and he is working on converting several student animated shorts into 360. Currently, he is testing ways to refine Immersive Film and is also exploring the medium for its potential applications. Howe has a background in Computer Science and Film, and he enjoys dabbling in music and photography in his spare time. Upon graduating, he plans to enter the animation/immersive film industry.
Stacy Kellner
Stacy (Cognitive Science) plans to continue her art practice post graduation. Stacy became heavily involved in the BCNM through taking Critical Practices, a hands-on studio design course where students work at the intersection of technological innovation and socially engaged art, and the graduate level course NWMEDIA 201: Questioning New Media. This past semester, with her co-teachers she offered NWMEDIA 198, a decal called “OK Google” that investigated both the physical construction of the internet and its subconscious influence on individuals through design decisions.
Carmen Zheng
Carmen (Business Administration and Media Studies) will be relocating to New York City where she will be pursuing a M.S. in Strategic Communication from Columbia University. Carmen is excited to continue exploring new media through academia and apply all she has learned at Berkeley to her future career goals. While at BCNM, Carmen was named the inaugural Eugene Jarvis Innovation in Media scholar, through an endowment provided by videogame designer Eugene Jarvis. Carmen also served as an undergraduate research fellow for Ritwik Banerji, for whom she completed ethnographic research and data analysis.