
Jacob Gaboury's Image Objects Reviewed on GlassTire

11 Nov, 2021

Jacob Gaboury's Image Objects Reviewed on GlassTire

Lydia Pyne reviewed BCNM faculty Jacob Gaboury's book Image Objects: An Archaeology of Computer Graphics (MIT Press, 2021) for GlassTire!

From the review:

We live in a world that is mediated through computer graphics. (“Whether captured with a digital camera designed and rendered using 3D interactive software, or simply displayed on the pixelated grid of a computer screen, almost all images we view, make, and interact with on a daily basis are shaped by computation,” Gaboury argues.) Indeed, by way of example, Gaboury points out in the book’s coda that over 75 percent of IKEA’s annual catalog is composed of fully computer generated objects, including the office, kitchen, and bedroom scenes where (consumable) objects are carefully placed. Gaboury argues that the rendering — the imagining, the imaging — of space in the digital realm impacts our experience of space in the real, material world. The interplay between digital and analog spaces makes the history of computer graphics a unique blend of twentieth-century engineering and art.

Read the full review here!